More Shows & Performances
Performer - Sharir & Bustamante Danceworks
21 Season Premier Concert - Austin, Texas
Featured Performer - "Old San Francisco Steak
House" - Austin, Texas
Concert Featured Performer - "Fair Theater" -
Plainview, Texas
Performer - "Dallas Cowboys Golf Club" -
Grapevine, Texas
Performer - "Austin Music Hall", Austin, Texas
Featured Performer - Ecstasy Carnival Cruise
Featured Performer - "Temple Area Home Builders
Association" - Bell Expo Center - Temple, Texas
Featured Performer - "San Antonio Rampage Hockey
Team" - SBC Center - San Antonio, Texas
Numerous Private Shows and Appearances
- Yahoo Photo Contest Winner from 20,000
entries - Photo displayed in Time Square, New
York, NY
- Life of an Elvis Impersonator -
Documentary - Austin Filmworks - Austin, Texas
- "King or Not" - Oldies 103.5 - Austin, Texas
- "Elvis" - Television Commercial - Shootz
Productions - San Antonio, Texas
- Television Commercial for San Antonio
Rampage Hockey Team with mascot "Tebone" - San
Antonio, Texas
- KTSA Live Radio Remote - San Antonio, Texas
- KEYE Live News Coverage - Austin, Texas
- KVUE Live News Coverage - Austin, Texas
- KTBC Fox 7 Live Morning Show - Austin, Texas
- KENS5 Live Morning Show - San Antonio, Texas
- ESPN Sports - Live Coverage - SBC Center -
San Antonio, Texas
- Featured Article - Austin American Statesman
Glossy Magazine
- Feartured Article - Brownwood Bulletin
- Cover story - Austins Chronicle
- Cover story - XLent
- Over 7,500 parties, weddings, and corporate appearances
- Dancing Eagle Casino Event Center - SOLD OUT
Member, PEIA (Professional Elvis Impersonators